Ddex Provider Firebird Install


Ddex Provider Firebird Install

The DDEX provider 3.0.0 comes with new installer as well. Now when you do the install, the DDEX provider is fully registered into Visual Studio (you can select version(s) during install) and ready to go as well.

Hi i want to use firebird library, and i followed its instruction as below, but i get 'The referenced component 'FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird' could not be found.' Instruction: Prerequisites • Make sure that you have Visual Studio.NET 2005 Standard or higher edition. • Express editions are not supported. Registry update • Remember to update the path in FirebirdDDEXProviderPackageLess32.reg or FirebirdDDEXProviderPackageLess64.reg, places where to update it are marked%Path%.

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• Install the.reg file into the registry. Akt prorabotki blyuda obrazec 200. Machine.config update Add the following two sections to machine.config (located usually at C: WINDOWS Microsoft.NET Framework v2.0.50727 CONFIG machine.config and C: WINDOWS Microsoft.NET Framework64 v2.0.50727 CONFIG machine.config on 64-bit system).... And subst:%Version% With the version of the provider assembly that you have in the GAC.%Culture% With the culture of the provider assembly that you have in the GAC.%PublicKeyToken% With the PublicKeyToken of the provider assembly that you have in the GAC.

I have been stuck for a number of days now with this problem. I see a lot of people have this problem and I have tried many things but am still unsuccessful. Please can someone help me. I am running Windows 7 64bit, MS Visual Studio 2010, Firebird DDEX 2.0.5 and NetProvider I have closely followed stackoverflow question in conjunction with the ReadMe file supplied with DDEX and other articles online in trying to install everything. I have done the following: • Install NetProvider to C: Program Files (x86) FirebirdClient.

• Extract DDEX 2.0.5 files to C: Program Files (x86) FirebirdClientt. • Edited the registry file FirebirdDDEXProvider64 in C: Program Files (x86) FirebirdClient reg_files VS2010 so that the 'CodeBase'='%Path% FirebirdSql.VisualStudio.DataTools.dll' now reads 'CodeBase'='C: Program Files (x86) FirebirdClient FirebirdSql.VisualStudio.DataTools.dll' and then I installed it.