Fallout Tactics Save Game Editor


Fallout Tactics Save Game Editor

Fallout Tactics Save Game Editor

Discussing Save Game editor on Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel PC message board and forum (page 1). Oct 22, 2017 - Fallout Walkthrough. Written and coded by Per Jorner. The main thing you will find in FO1 is there is less of everything.

Select the save slot to edit [and] change (for example) a 9mm pistol to a gauss rifle. A couple years ago I wrote FOTgee (FOT Generalized Entity Editor) because BOSCHE couldn't deal with the pregen characters. Termo king smx 2 rukovodstvo.

If you're familiar with Bioware's GFF editor, this tool is very similar. Although I have a very good idea how to do it, it could not add or remove items from an area. (for purposes of this discussion, player inventories are part of the least area saved). If you're interested, the source code is available. Let me know and I'll restore my website.

Don't we host this file also? I didn't see it.

By all means feel free to do so. Since I'm not currently playing Tactics, it's unlikely that I'll do much with it myself. (Shmaybe FO2 compatibility.

No promises, just a random thought) /me takes a few Mentats to try to remember where I originally announced it. Something tells me that I may have made the original postings on DAC about 12-18 months ago. I think that was also rougly about the time NMA moved. About a month after CompUSA had Tactics on sale for US$5:mrgreen: John.

Fallout Character Editor ------------------------- Created by: Mo_Steel Current Version: BETA2 August 19th, 2009 ------------------------- What is the Fallout Character Editor? ------------------------- The Fallout Character Editor is a simple program that allows users to easily edit a character in Fallout 3.

Currently supported features include changing SPECIAL stats, Skills, Karma and giving Caps. ------------------------- How to Use FCE ------------------------- **WARNING: DO NOT USE THE FCE WHILE WEARING ANY EQUIPMENT OR UNDER THE EFFECTS OF ANY STAT OR SKILL CHANGES, OR THE VALUES WILL NOT BE PROPERLY SETUP. BE SURE TO REMOVE ALL EQUIPMENT AND STATUS EFFECTS PRIOR TO STEP #5. Run the Fallout Character Editor.exe. Select the values you want to change (SPECIAL, Skills, and Misc.) 3. When you're ready, click 'SAVE'. Close FCE, start up Fallout 3 and load a save.

Open the console and type 'bat test' WITHOUT QUOTATION MARKS. The text file should be run, modifying all the apropriate stats, skills, and misc. ------------------------- Feedback ------------------------- Got questions, suggestions, or bugs?

I can be reached a number of ways: On Fallout3Nexus - On Youtube - On Steam - On Gmail - sedsfeedback AT gmail DOT com ------------------------- CHANGELOG ------------------------- Version BETA2.1: -Attempted fix for Windows 32-Bit OSes Version BETA2: -Added Skill adjusters -Added Misc. Adjusters -Added Menu Bar (currently non-functional) -Added Selectable sections -Added README.txt file Version BETA1: -Program Created -Added SPECIAL adjusters.