Java Midlet Emulator For Android


Java Midlet Emulator For Android

Download MicroEmulator for free. This is Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) CLDC/MIDP Emulator. Allows demonstrate MIDlet based applications in web browser applet, also can be run as standalone java. J2ME-Loader is a J2ME emulator for Android. It supports most 2D games and also 3D with some limitations (Mascot Capsule 3D games don't work). Emulator has a virtual keyboard, individual settings for each application, scaling support. This project is a fork of J2meLoader. System requirements: Android 4.0+ discussion XDA.

It's been a year since I posted tutorial how to automatically convert Java ME MIDlets to Android platform. Since then, a lot of work has been done to make this tool even better and support more and more different Java ME applications and games. I've got a lot of positive feedback as well which also helped improving quality of this project. Now, it is much simpler to set up MIDlet details, since only jad location and resulting apk package file name is necessary to provide in configuration. For this demonstration procedure, I took a popular Java ME game. Blank pervichnogo osmotra gastroenterologa.

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Required third party software: - Java SE JDK () - Subversion client () - Maven - Ant () - Android SDK version 1.5 or later () - ASM () 1. Check out from Subversion repository (revision 2211) svn co microemulator -r 2211 2. Build project using Maven cd microemulator mvn 3. Make sure that the following properties in microemu-android/build.xml correctly point to the Android SDK and ASM jar file 4. Configure properties for game, edit microemu-android/build.xml file (before you have to download 5ud0ku.jad and 5ud0ku.jar files to the same folder) 5. Create Android apk package with Ant cd microemu-android ant 6. And finally deploy microemu-android/bin/5ud0ku.apk either on emulator or device.

For all of you who don't want to go through this somehow long procedure, here it is already prepared package. Anonymous said. > if it is possible to convert Java ME jar directly on device. Okay, you're right here. What i meant, that JavaME and JavaSE apps become equal in rights. AFAIK applets and midetts differ only in runtime libraries and metadata text files, which object to run. So, for Android indeed, it is out of scope of MicroEmu to make jar's directly runnable in this OS.

But what the ideal goal, i think, is that dx or some market-like service treated applets and midlets with no difference, with equal ease and reliability. Hello Bartek The tutorial is great and I can compile the demo apps. However, I'm struggling with my own jar which is around 450KB. I set in the dx.bat to javaOpts=-Xmx2048M And it still produces the following error: [exec] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner clas s that doesn't come with an associated EnclosingMethod attribute. Hello Bartek. First I have to thank for your great work on miroemu!

I tried to 'convert' my javame-files to.apk as you descripted. After an hour of configuration ant compiled my.apk:) If i install the.apk in android-(2.0.1) my app starts as expected. I got this when I execute mvn: Missing: ---------- 1) sun:applet-jsobject:jar:1.4 Try downloading the file manually from the project website. Then, install it using the command: mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=sun -DartifactId=applet-jsobject -Dversion=1.4 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there: mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=sun -DartifactId=applet-jsobject -Dversion=1.4 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id] Path to dependency: 1) org.microemu:microemu-javase-swing:jar:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT 2) sun:applet-jsobject:jar:1.4 ---------- 1 required artifact is missing.

For artifact: org.microemu:microemu-javase-swing:jar:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT from the specified remote repositories: central (=============== I've copied plugin.jar and install it to ~/.m2/repository/sun/applet-jsobject/1.4 as applet-jsobject-1.4.jar but, the error message still appears. Anything missing? This is the logcat output that relates to an android 1.6, could you tell me what the problem is. And also is there a way to get it to package it to a lower level.


I can almost get my program to work on android level 7 2.1 but it doesnt work on a customItem I created. I used the procedure documented above to convert a MIDP application, supplied on CD along with a security camera system, and it run successfully on my Nexus One. I had to change some of the entries in build.xml because they assume android SDK 1.6 and I have v8. I simply copied the resultant APK file to my N1 and ran it by finding it with Astro File Manager and choosing to open it with the application manager.

It took a few mins to figure out how the keyboard and user interface worked but after that I'm now able to remote view and remote control my security camera system from my N1. Thank you for providing this solution. Can you help me: Error after I execute ant command. Hi Bartek Teodorczyk, I must really commend you on your work and assisstance. The manner in which you render assisstance to your blog writers and comments is just wonderful.