Non Conventional Energy Sources Notes Pdf


Non Conventional Energy Sources Notes Pdf

Non conventional sources: (1) Bio mass. 10 class science notes, science 10 class notes,sources of energy class 10 notes pdf, source of energy class 10 notes. NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (10ME754) Department of ME, Page 1 Unit-1 Introduction The word ‗energy‘ itself is derived from the Greek word ‗en-ergon, which means ‗in-work’ or work content. The work output depends on the energy input. Energy is the most basic infra-structure input required for.

NON CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES Sub Code: MTP 143 Hrs/Week: 3+1 Total Hrs: 40 IA Marks: 25 Exam Marks: 100 Exam Hours: 3 Hrs Module -1 Introduction to Energy Sources: World Energy Features, Indian Energy Scene, Conventional and non-conventional energy sources, Prospects of renewable energy sources. Solar Energy Source: Introduction, Solar constant, radiation on Earth’s surface, Radiation geometry, Radiation measurements, Radiation data, Average solar radiation, radiation on tilted surfaces, Problems. 8 Hrs Module -2 Solar Energy collectors: Principle of conversion of energy, Flat plate collector, Transmissivity of cover system, Collector energy balance equation, Thermal Analysis of FPC, Useful heat gain, Focusing collectors, advantages and disadvantages, Factors affecting affecting collector performance, Problems. Application of Solar Energy: Solar Water Heating, Heating and Cooling of Buildings, Thermo electric conversion, Power generation, PV cells, Solar distillation, Pumping, Cooking, Hydrogen production. 8 Hrs Module -3 Wind Energy: Principle of energy conversion, Power generation, Forces on blades, energy estimation, Wind data, Components of WECS, Classification of WECS, Advantages and Disadvantages, Types of Wind Wind machin machines, es, Perfo Performa rmance nce of Wind Wind machin machines, es, Appli Applicat cation ionss of wind wind energy. Proble Problems ms Energy from Biomass: Conversion technology, Factors affecting gas generation, classification of biogas plants, Advantages and disadvantages of different types of plants, Problems.

8 Hrs Module -4 Fuel Cells: Design and Principle of operation, Classification, Types, Advantages and disadvantages, Conversion efficiency, Types of electrodes, Work output and EMF of Fuel Cells, Applications of Fuel Cells. Thermo Nuclear Fusion Energy: Fusion Reactions, Requirements, Plasma, Magnetic and Inertial Confine Confinemen mentt fusio fusion, n, Muon Muon Cataly Catalyzed zed Fusion Fusion,, Charact Characteri eristi stics cs of D-T Reacti Reaction, on, Advanta Advantages ges of Nuclear Fusion, Fusion Hybrid, Cold Fusion. 10 Hrs Module -5 Prin Princip ciple less of worki working: ng: Geoth Geother erma mal, l, OTEC OTEC,, Tida Tidal, l, Wa Wave ves, s, and and Hydr Hydroge ogen n (Gen (Gener erat atio ion n and and Application) 6 Hrs TEXT BOOK: “Non conventional energy sources” by G.D.Rai Khanna Publishers REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. “Solar Energy” Energy” by S.P.Sukhatm S.P.Sukhatme, e, Tata McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill Publishing Publishing Co. “Solar “Solar Energ Energy” y” by G.D.R G.D.Rai ai Khanna Khanna Publish Publishers ers 3.

Non Conventional Energy Sources Notes Pdf

“Fundam “Fundamenta entals ls of Renewable Renewable Energy Energy Systems” Systems” by D. Mukherjee Mukherjee and S. Chakrabart Chakrabarti, i, New Age International Publishers. “Non “Non Conv Conven enti tion onal al En Ener ergy gy Reso Resour urce ces” s” by D.S. Chau Chauha han n and and S.K. S.K.Sr Sriv ivas asta tava va,, New New Age Age International Publishers.

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