Paintball Gun Serial Number Lookup


Paintball Gun Serial Number Lookup

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• Price • MilSim • Durability • Accessories • First Strike 10 Price: JT paintball guns are some of the cheapest on the market. They're probably best-suited to convincing a friend to dive into paintball, starting off a kid with the series, or just screwing around with some friends at work. JT does make the high-end Impulse, but that's definitely a speedball gun, so for you scenario players it's probably not even on your radar. 5 MilSim: Most of JT's guns are black or gray, with a few brigh exceptions.

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Only the tactical kit is actually styled to look like a real military weapon, and most of JT's offerings just can't compete with the look of other MilSim markers, though for the much lower price point it's hard to argue that's a bad deal. 5 Durability: JT guns are designed for a decent lifespan. They tend to be made mostly from plastic, but as far as durability, they're middle of the road. 7 Accessories: Most of JT's guns at least have rails, which allow for upgradeability. The tactical variant is the one that comes with all of the bells and whistles, including a stock, mock magazine, carry handle and flip up sights.

Look up gun serial number

Everything else is a bit more basic. But if you're thinking you want to add on a sight or grips, remember to look for the notches on top or below the marker. 0 First Strike: First Strike rounds give you better range and accuracy than any other paintball, which is a pretty big boon to scenario sniping. However, none of JTs markers come in a sniping configuration, and most wouldn't make great MilSim weapons no matter how you upgraded. JT have some of the cheapeast entry markers in the game, but none capable of using these advanced projectiles. But we can help if you need a.

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