Spore Force Save Mod Download


Spore Force Save Mod Download

As this is a tweak, and not a traditional mod, there is no download. To install it, you need to make 2 simple edits to 2 different.txt files in your Spore GA Data folder(Untested on Core Spore). Adobe photoshop cs5 language pack engb itunes login. Open.Electronic Arts SPORE_EP1 Data Config folder. Open ConfigManager.txt Add boolProp disableValidation true on a new line at the bottom of file and save it. Open Properties.txt Add property disableValidation 0x055d7ca1 bool true on a new line at the bottom of file and save it. Launch Spore, Enjoy! This mod removed the save block on my game without any mods.

In order to save over 60,000 mods that would otherwise have been lost entirely, we spent hundreds of hours archiving every mod that we could from GameFront and eventually provided them for download here at Nexus Mods over the course of many months.

Spore force save mod download windows 10Epic

I just launched the editor, and hit save, which saved a spine fine. This tweak also works on Origin and Retail Spore. Untested on GoG Spore, but it probably works there too. The strangest thing happened when I tried this.

When I clicked the bright green 'save and exit' button for a modded creature, the screen turned black for a while. Then a crash message showed up.

I'm sure the file editing had the desired effect though, because I can see the modded creature in the My Spore Creations folder. When I went back into Spore, the game suddenly refused to log me in. Any subsequent attempts at logging in manually resulted in the game telling me that the Spore servers were having a problem. Could it be that in saving a modded creature, the servers have concluded that I'm using a cracked version of the game and have banned my account/closed down access to online content for me in some other way? EDIT: The issue seems to have resolved itself, actually, but it's kind of curious that it showed up in the first place.

Regardless, thanks for imparting us with the knowledge of this edit! Now I can finally play around with Dark Injection and a few other cool mods. This smallmmodification actually works very well. I just got done testing it on my steam version of spore ga and it does in fact work. I saw that some people have problems with clicking save and exit, and then it crashes. To prevent this from happening at all, click the the save button, not save and exit, and then once the up to 10 minute process of the game saving your complex creature Iis finished click cancel to leave the creator. As I said it may take up to 10 minuts to save, but all in all, it works.

Hi, this is my first post on this forum. Before I say anything else I wanna give a brief background of my Spore experience. For the past month I have gotten spore on my PC and played around with it.

I was ready to uninstall it cause it was boring when I discovered mods.Davo's mods that is. I stalked every post and every mod until I found Dark injection. I have core spore and that is it. So I thought what the heck, I'll try it and see what happens. I installed the mod and to my delight found it working. Ulead video studio 11 for xp. Some parts were missing, I guess because I don't have GA installed, but I don't care.

I spent hours creating an incredibly detailed creature until I hit save and got the error: 'This creation cannot be saved.' Obviously I wanted to throw the computer out the window, but I remembered something about a Force Save mod. Of course, that didn't work. So I was ready to tearfully say good bye to Spore and Darkinjection, when I saw this post. I figured: ' Ah, what the heck.' And to my amazement, it worked. This method of force saving works (at least for me) on the core spore with out GA, and I did not get this version of spore from Steam.

Thanks to Davo and whoever else helped him work on this website and these hacks. So my little tirade is over. Thanks for listening, haha. I'm so glad to see that this forum is still alive. I bought Galactic adventures and reinstalled everything and the missing parts appeared, btw.

Now I am just trying to get an unlimited complexity mod that actually works. I am going to try the 2013_DI_NC.package to see if it works with my spore and the force save thing. I'm so glad you still read the forum Davo, too many times a forum will be started, and everyone else who joins will give a request or question and the admin or founder never replies. Thank goodness you do! I don't know what happened but I cannot even get into the file you listed to write this in. Allow me to explain EVERYTHING.

I apologize if this turns into a giant text bomb. In 2010 I bought Spore from the official site. Then I got C+C, updated/patched, then I got GA, updated/patched.

Then I started adding mods. The infinite parts size mod, galactic code no break, unlimited SoL, unlimited trade routes in space, unlimited spice, infinite colony packs/terra foaming tools, bot parts, ultimate turret on planets, and I think there was one more but I forget what it was. However this does not matter because the computer which I originally had Spore on gave up to ghost. So I got a new computer. Re-downloaded Everything and re-installed everything in the order of Core Spore>C+C>GA>patch 1.5 at that point. Then I put all my mods back in. Everything started freaking out and not working.