Download Site Key Of Liscad V 12


Download Site Key Of Liscad V 12

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I have been following this thread for 10 days now. I read and tried t learn what i can. Finally i had to report problem which i am facing, but before that kudos to all members here who are helping others learn.

I am using a software which is protected by c r y p k e y 6.5. I had valid licence keys also.

Surveying & Engineering Software Downloads The LISCAD web site contains an extensive download library, including the latest release software, a full archive.

What all i did is mentioned below 1. I generated user key hash (2) by from the valid site code and key. I tried it in 5 machines (computers) it only worked on one with 2003 server. On xp and other OS it accepts the key but after that gives an error. I tried to find out user key from almost all the exe and dll files which i could relocate to the software but could not find one.

I used ollydbg, winhex, PE viewer and ustrref. Errors that i am getting 1. On one machine it says licence has been moved, cannot run 2. On other machines it gives error which is attached some of the working codes are site code: 9717 8713 9FDB 8066 96 SITE KEY: 8852 B0FC E004 7546 46D8 A2F5 82 SITE CODE: E655 B814 6649 4AA8 27 SITE KEY: 5AE9 E5D8 2C2B 0B8B 1E4E 7F39 41 CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHAT WRONG I AM DOING 上传的附件: • (57.93kb,107次下载). Hi Mozzie the software is a engineering software, which may not be very popular. The user seed is different for all the installations.

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I have installed it on 10 systems now. The files which are going to system 32 directory are all related to crypkey. Their is only one exe file of the program. It is a very small program with one screen only written I have installed it on a new system now and the site code which it gives now is DABE 34A5 545D 1600 DB my observations when installing the program 1. When i installed the program no files were added inside winnt, system and system32 directory.

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The program gets installed in the program files. Their is a files to install NT support drivers for crypkey. When this installer is clicked then 3 files are added in system32 and 9 in winnt directory.

The main program is a single exe file and one.ckn file. The other files inside the folder are 3931462._req, 3935965._an, ck16rmv.exe, cki32j.dll, cks.exe, crp32001.ngn, crp9516f.dll, cryp95f.dll, hdsn1.dll, setupex.exe (to install nt drivers) and setupex.xco 5. Hidden files inside the folder are procalc.41s, procalc.ent, procalc.key, procalc.rst 6. Contents inside the hidden files procalc.41s: blank procalc.ent: D4D277CDE74350 procalc.key - Do_NOT_DISTURB procalc.rst - Do_NOT_DISTURB this is new installation and i have not tried any key yet. [QUOTE=;].[/QUOTE] Hi, I also have software based on CrypKey. I also use CKINFO v1.12 to get information about my SiteCode and result as below: C: TEMP>ckinfo /siteCode D2F9 D498 A999 BCB3 BA CrypKey Copy Protection Information v1.12 (C)2001-2005 thewd, Parsing Code - D2F9 D498 A999 BCB3 BA Decrypting Code - 047B 343C 0862 169E A8 Code Validation - OK Formatting Code: 7B 34 3C08 6216 9EA8 ╚╣ ╚╣ ╠══╝ ╠══╝ ╠══╝ Site Code Id - 0x7B ═══════╣ ║ ║ ║ ╚═══════════════ Code CRC - 0x9EA8 Allow Add Licence? - No ═══╝ ║ ║ ╠════════ User Key Hash (Seed) - 0x1662 Allow Easy Licence?